We've answered some of your most asked questions.
When should we start the college prep and planning process?
Before they take their first high school course regardless of what grade that is
My son/daughter is a junior/senior in high school, is it too late to start your program?
It’s not too late, but they will have to dedicate time and “catch up” on some tasks.
My financial advisor has recommended a 529 plan to save for college, but I’ve heard they can negatively impact financial aid offers from colleges. What should I do?
Schedule a free consultation with us – many factors play into the determination as to whether or not you should have a 529 account.
My son/daughter wants to attend a private school, but we think we can only afford state schools. Now what?
Rarely ever does a student pay the sticker price listed on college website, so schedule a free consultation to discuss this further. For many of our families, we are able to develop a game plan so private schools do not result in a higher cost than state schools.
My son/daughter doesn’t know what he/she wants to do when he/she “grows up,” so how do we know what college to pick?
Most don’t before they start working with us, but they do after we teach them how to research career options.
My son/daughter has a good GPA, but he/she is not a good test taker. How much will the ACT/SAT score matter?
This varies from college to college. CPA can help you identify colleges where it is and is not important.
My son/daughter would like to play a sport in college. How realistic is that, and how do we go about finding a school that will give him/her a chance?
There are countless athletes in the US. College Planning Alliance can help students find schools where they play varsity, club, or intramural level sports.
Is it important for my student to take CCP, AP, or honors classes in high school?
This depends on the competitiveness of the colleges that your student chooses to pursue. College Planning Alliance can explain this in greater detail during a consultation.
When should we attend one of your seminars?
We recommend attending a seminar when your student is in 8th grade. There are so many facets to this plan that the earlier your family starts prepping, the better off you will be. Ideally we will help with a financial game plan before the end of the student’s sophomore year. Both the FAFSA and CSS profile require data from two years’ prior tax return to complete the forms. However, if your student is already a junior or senior, there are still some planning pieces that can be very beneficial. Both the FAFSA and CSS Profile require you to use two years prior tax return information to complete the forms.
How much do your services cost?
We have six different packages ranging from $150 – $5,300. We will explain all of the packages that are available to your family and then decide on which package would be the best solution for you.
CALL US TODAY AT 419-631-2968 to set up your free consultation appointment!