What does “test optional” really mean at colleges?
Does the score really matter anymore?
We help answer all theses questions and more!
Our Prep Courses Include
Full-length Practice Tests
Vocabulary Building
Videos for Auditory Learning
Review/Study Guides
Tips for Each Specific Test
Test outcomes should produce an actual return on investment for your student. We discuss how to make that happen!
When we do test preparatory work with students, we develop a game plan to increase their ACT/SAT scores. Our goal is to help them feel comfortable with the test and confident in their abilities to perform well. We provide accountability, encouragement, and tips/tricks for improving scores for each test, but students have to do the work and put in the time. This prep program is not a cram session.
40 hours of prep can easily result in scholarship money that is worth more than 400 hours of working a minimum wage job.
Most students claim to not be great test takers when they start with us.
We see, on average, six-point improvements on ACT scores between 10th and 12th grade with our students!
You don’t have to be a brilliant student to earn merit money from ACT/SAT scores!
A 2- or 3-hour test that results in $5,000 additional merit aid/year (which is $20,000 over 4 years of college)
has the same financial value as working 2,000+ hours and saving every penny!
CALL US TODAY AT 419-631-2968 to set up your free consultation appointment!